Support adapter used to support DN315 telescope manholes and drains installed in paved surface and sidewalks. Dedicated to be placed under square load-bearing bodies of manholes with external flange dimensions of 370x370x13 mm and external telescope diameter of 330mm. The adapter facilitates the installation and assembly of manholes inside a cobblestone surface. It is placed on a cement substructure, T06/320/55 foundation ring, or T1/320/50 compensation ring. Note: There is ability to individually select internal dimensions of and adjust the adapter to other type of telescope manhole upon agreement with the recipient.
INDEX | WEIGHT [kg] | IN. DIA. Dn [mm] | LENGTH A=A' | LENGTH B=B' [mm] | HEIGHT H [mm] |
INDEX: TXO/315/PN | WEIGHT [kg]: 14,1 | IN. DIA. Dn [mm]: 330 | LENGTH A=A': 440 | LENGTH B=B' [mm]: 375 | HEIGHT H [mm]: 90 |